Wednesday, December 14, 2005


Democrats Propose Presidential Candidates

WASHINGTON, Dec. 14 - The Democratic leadership has announced a "dream team" of stealth candidates for the 2008 presidential election. According to Democrat Party Chairman Howard Dean, former Senator Eugene McCarthy of Minnesota will head the ticket together with former Senator Robert Kennedy of New York as second in command.

The fact that McCarthy recently passed away at age 89 and Kennedy was assassinated 37 years ago didn't seem to fluster the Democrats. Dean noted that former Minnesota Senator Paul Wellstone, a Democrat killed in a plane crash prior to an election, handily trounced his Republican opponent. "People would rather vote for a dead Democrat than a rabid Republican," Dean pointed out.

Running deceased candidates will make it very difficult for the Republicans to do a "smear job" as they did to Senator John Kerry in the last election, according to Dean. "McCarthy and Kennedy will not need to travel around the country making speeches and appearing at public rallies," Dean explained. "They can simply run on their fine reputations."

Dean was coy when asked about the game plan if McCarthy and Kennedy were elected. He noted the Speaker of the House was next in line for the top job, but if Republicans maintained control of the House the Democrats would do "whatever is necessary" to ensure that a Democrat resides in the White House. "We learned all the dirty tricks from our colleagues on the other side of the aisle or now in prison," he said.

Republican reaction to the Democrat's plan was mixed. Senator Orin Hatch said if the Democrats can nominate deadbeats, Republicans might as well nominate Lincoln. Senator Rick Santorum proposed Richard Nixon as a presidential candidate. "He got a raw deal when he was President. It would be a tribute to his great leadership and integrity to have him as our party's leader once again," Santorum said.

Dean explained that "no one in their right mind" would want to campaign for a leadership job, making promises and positive predictions, in a county that is so "fucked up" thanks to George W. Bush. "Our country has been gratefully led by 'dead heads' in both the past and present and Americans have learned to discriminate between the 'dick heads' and 'dead heads'," he explained.

When questioned about running deceased candidates, President Bush said he had some grave concerns about the practice but Republicans should leave no stone unturned for 2008. "We are the party of the people. And dead or alive, we will run this country to the best of our abilities," he said.

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