Monday, July 17, 2006


Frist Linked To Neo-Nazi Movement

WASHINGTON, July 17 - An organization calling itself the Neo-Nazi Veterans for Truth posted on its Web site a claim that Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist was once an active member of the American Neo-Nazi Party. "From his teenage years and on through medical school, Frist took an active role supporting the ideals of an organization standing for a pure, white America," according to the Web site.

While Frist initially brushed off this claim saying it was "ridiculous" and "no one in their right mind would believe such an outrageous statement," he later qualified his remarks. Frist admitted to some "youthful indiscretions" and explained that he had a fascination with strong leadership and racial purity during his formative years. "I viewed Hitler as a role model, not for eliminating people he considered inferior, but for his ability to rally the German people around a compelling nationalistic theme," he said.

Frist, who grew up in Nashville, Tennassee said his parents were tolerant of the swastikas he painted on his bedroom ceiling and the photographs of Hitler that adorned the walls, thinking he would grow out of it once he entered college. But at the Nashville Community Bible College where he was a student for two years, Frist admitted forming a Neo-Nazi chapter. "We marched around a lot doing the goosestep and members would salute "Heil Bill" when they saw me in the courtyard, but it was pretty meaningless stuff," he claims. The college having neither blacks nor Jews may have accounted for that, Frist admits.

The Senate Majority Leader then transferred to Princeton University because he said, at the time it had the lowest percentage of minority students in the Ivy League. Inspired by the unorthodox medical experiments the Nazis performed on their Jewish prisoners, according to Frist, he obtained cats for "frivolous experiments" from nearby animal shelters under the pretense of pet adoption. "We did away with a lot of unwanted felines but no one could claim we were committing genocide," Frist proudly points out.

It wasn't until Frist decided to get involved in politics did he resign from the racially segregated Belle Meade Country Club. Frist argues that blacks play a different style of golf than whites and keeping the facility separate but equal was best for both races. "The blacks have a different swing, they don't mind bending the rules, and they have a distinct odor when they sweat," notes Frist. "Jews, on the other hand, have their own golf vocabulary, like "oy" when they hit the ball into a sand trap and they have a tendency to doven just before they putt. So Jews have their own country clubs," Frist explains.

While Frist went on to become a renowned heart and lung transplant surgeon he is better known for his quick diagnosis of Terri Schaivo simply by looking at an edited video tape, crediting his diagnostic skills to his freewheeling experiments on cats. "We would destroy parts of their brain to see whether the cats could still function," Frist says. "Terri in her comatose state reminded me of a surviving cat that lost control of most of its bodily functions but would still purr when held."

Although Frist has now disavowed any connection with the American Neo-Nazi Party he continues to receive their praise and support. "When Frist is elected president of the United States white Anglo-Saxon supremacy will rule once again on American soil," says a party spokesman. "And we will change the name of the presidential marching song to 'Heil To The Chief!'"

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