Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Romney May Lose His Shirt Speaking Off The Cuff

Mother Jones issued still another sound bite from presidential candidate Mitt Romney’s speech at a gathering of wealthy supporters in Boca Raton Florida last May.  In it Romney referred to the president as “the little White House Sambo” and said it was time for white, Christian Americans, as well as Mormons, to take back their country.  Jews would also be welcome, he added, as long as they gave their unequivocal support for Israel.

Romney said he longed for the days before labor unions, environmental laws, and social welfare entitlements.  Henry Ford could never have created the automobile in today’s environment, he said, and the United States could have retained its leadership in clothing manufacturing if sweatshops had not been regulated out of business.

The presidential candidate also suggested, to wild applause, that women who have abortions lose their right to vote and gays should be blacklisted from city, state, and federal employment.

Once again referring to the 47% of Americans who do not pay income tax, Romney proposed a requirement that any unemployed able-bodied citizen receiving a government benefit accept a job in a coalmine to continue his or her eligibility.  “It’s time for American freeloaders to put their noses to the grindstone and pay their way for the privilege of living in the United States.”

Republican supporters who paid $50,000 each to hear the candidate speak gave the presidential hopeful a rousing ovation.  “The Robber Barons are making a comeback,” proclaimed one enthusiastic supporter.  “The working man should pay a tribute tax to the builders of industry,” said another.

Fox News in an editorial hailed the candidate as “God’s gift to America.”  The American Enterprise Institute issued a statement saying that a truly free market as in the first half of the 20th century is what made America great and Romney is the man to take us back in time.  The Wall Street Journal praised Romney’s comments as “a shot from the hip that hit a bulls eye.”

A poll of registered votes taken shortly after the Mother Jones revelation found a surge of support for Romney in southern states where the largest majority of non-tax paying citizens reside.  “I don’t give a poo about the rich and the rights of women and gays,” proclaimed one Mississippi voter, “I just don’t want a colored boy in the White House telling me what to do.”

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